Motor Vehicle Registration Discounts
Retired state residents whose total annual income from all sources does not exceed $19,200 are eligible to register their motor vehicles with the state for only $10.00, instead of $36.00. We have forms at the center or call 1-800-932-4600, and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation will mail you form MV-371 MV-371. Use this form to get your reduced registration.
The Importance of What We Do
Being Part Of Our Community
1. We are still a collection site for the Food Pantry. At this time, pasta and sauces are needed. Please buy a second
something on sale and drop it off here. They also need canned and packaged goods that won't spoil.
2. Eyeglasses are still being collected and given to the Lion's Club.
3. Tabs from pop top cans (soda, tuna, cat food, etc.) are being collected for the Ronald McDonald House, which shelters families of children who are seriously ill or injured. We give them to the Women's Club who takes them to a McDonald's repository.
4. Both our choral group "The Sunshine Singers" and our band "The Impossibles" go to different nursing homes and assisted living facilities to entertain those residents every month.
5. Please bring in any post-marked stamps to the front desk. We collect cancelled stamps, and they are given to the Blind Association.
6. The V.A. Clinic in Allentown has a little coffee room available to patients while they wait for their appointments. They need sugar, tea bags, artificial sweeteners and stirrers.
7. We are now recycling our used papers and newspapers at our Center. The Milford Volunteer Fire Dept. has a dumpster in our parking lot. Please feel free to use it.
8. We are collecting pennies for Cancer Research. Please bring your pennies and loose change in to help.
9. We are sending gift boxes to our Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. We need more donations to fill our boxes.
10. We help support Quakertown's Fourth Of July Fireworks Display with our Bingo-In-The-Park and selling Pulled Pork Sandwiches at these 2 fundraising booths.
11. Our Volunteers distribute our newsletter throughout the Upper Bucks Area.
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